Do you have anxiety about sending your toddler to Preschool? Are they ready? Are you ready? Introducing your crash course: "Prepare for Preschool: The How-To Guide" – a fun, interactive, fact and resource-filled Vook that combines text and how-to video, guiding you through the most common challenges of sending your child to Pre-K. Download it now!
In eight easy-to-digest chapters, time-tested methods are dispensed, and you'll be led seamlessly through the process of preparing your child to preschool. First, you'll learn how to get your son or daughter potty trained and ready to play nicely with other preschoolers. Then you'll learn how to mentally prepare your child for this exciting new step, and how to ease any separation anxiety you may experience. Finally, you'll learn all about the crucial reading, motor and math skills your child will need at this juncture, and how to ready them for their first day of school. Tips and links throughout provide added dimension and resources to help parents on their journey.